Sunday, March 9, 2008

Post Number One

Today was a good day.

I sent off my agent request for Time After Time :) Here's to wonderful things happening to wonderful characters!

Call me paranoid, call me crazy, call me anything you like, but until contracted I don't give away my story premise. Maybe that's because I think in 'high-concept.' It all goes back to my first writer's meeting where I proudly told everyone at the table (forgetting that they were writers as well) my story ideas. Thankfully, a lady pulled me aside and whispered, "Hon, never do that. Someone can write that high-concept idea bigger than you, faster than you, and better than you."

Hmm...I'd never thought of it that way. My bubble was popped to believe that all writers were automatically good people and that was stealing and no one would steal, surely!
Ahem. Maybe I was green. Maybe now I'm hyperparanoid. Either way, my high concept idea will remain mine until I can share it with the readers.

But I can share with you a picture of my hero. You've probably seen him before. Shia is perfect for Kaleb. He's witty, emotional, and nice looking. *waggles brows*

p.s. Thanks so much to my friend Shonna for making this template! She's one of my critique partners and I told her to make it like my writing. wow! I'm scary! LOL I love it! Thanks, hon.


Unknown said...

Awww thanks on the thanks. Anything for you. Good luck on your submission of a great story. I know you'll get contracted with the perfect agent and then the ideal publisher.

Misty Williams said...

I love it, Kim! Great Job, Shonna as always. ;)

I'm crossing everything for you on this submission. Love ya! :D

Kim Danvers said...

Thanks for getting me back on the saddle guys.

I really appreciate you two!

Toni Anderson said...

Yay!!! Kim!!! Good luck with that story!!! Love the template.

Trish Milburn said...

Yay on getting the submission out!

I understand your viewpoint about not sharing ideas. I'm pretty careful with that too. While the vast majority of writers would never take someone else's idea and run with it, there only has to be one who will. And I think sometimes people do it without intending to because the idea soaks into their subconscious and they end up thinking it was theirs to begin with.

Kim Danvers said...

I agree Trish! I love writers--some of the best people I know.

But it's just better to be safe than sorry, I suppose!